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Professor Marios Savvides receives the "Outstanding Contributor in AI" in area of advanced face recognition and detection by the U.S. Secretary of Army, Mr. Ryan McCarthy, March 2020.
2. "Inventor of the Year Award", PIPLA 2022

Professor Marios Savvides named the "Inventor of the Year Award "by the Pittsburgh Intellectual Property Law Association, PIPLA. 2022.
3. "Steven J. Fenves Award for Systems Research"

Professor Marios Savvides receives the "Stevens J. Fenves Award for Systems Research" from Dean of College of Engineering, Bill Sanders, Carnegie Mellon University, 2023
4. 1st Gold Prize, 2020 Edison Awards , "Autonomous Data Capture and Analysis of On-Shelf Inventory"

We received the 1st Place Gold Award in 2020 Edison Awards for the Artificial Intelligence based Retail Video Analytics we developed.
5. 2020 Artificial Intelligence Excellence Award Winner in "Theory of Mind"

Professor Savvides receives the "Theory of Mind" Award in 2020 for his Artificial Intelligence research.
6. Global Pittsburgh Immigrant Entrepreneur Award in Technological Innovation

Professor Savvides receives Global Pittsburgh Immigrant Entrepreneur Award in Technological Innovation in Dec 2018.
7. Professor Savvides Received Bossa Nova Robotics in Artificial Intelligence Endowment Chair

Professor Savvides receives The Bossa Nova Robotics Artificial Intelligence Endowment by CMU President Farnam Jahanian, Bossa Nova Robotics CEO and CMU Board of Trustees Dr. Bruce McWilliams, CMU Provost Jim Garrett in November 2018.
8. 2015 Edison Awards Gold Prize for "Unconstrained Biometrics" in Applied Technology

Professor Savvides and his team receive the 2015 Edison Awards Gold Prize for the AI he and his CMU team have developed in "Unconstrained Biometrics" in Applied Technology
9. Professor Savvides received CMU CIT Outstanding Research Award

Professor Savvides receives CIT Outstanding Research Award from Dean Pradeep Khosla for his work in leading winning CMU's team in both world-wide NIST FRGC 2005 and NIST's ICE 2006 competitions. He helped develop face algorithm that ranked #1 in Academia and Industry in hardest challenge in FRGC 2005 and ranked #2 in NIST's Iris Challenge Evaluation.
We are proud of the Industry, Government and Academic Awards received for recognizing the state-of-art research developed by the CMU AI Biometrics Team that has made an impactful difference in real-world Industry and Government applications resulting in 9 Awards.
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